16th Nov 1997 (First meeting at Sardhana Pilgrim)
First Pilgrimage of Bettiah Christian Community was organized to visit Sardhana and the response was positive. Looking at this positive response the idea was mooted by Mr. Vincent E Thakur at Sardhana to form a society of our Bettiah Christian Community and everyone present were in favour of forming this society.
Objectives of the Sangh:
- To form a nucleus of the Universal Brotherhood of Bettiah Catholic Community staying in Delhi & NCR.
- To work for the Sangh development, improvement of the economic and the health situation of the Bettiah Catholic community staying in Delhi & NCR.
- To organize at least one Annual General Meeting of the Sangh in each calendar year
- To develop relationship and awareness about our community among new generation
- To organize get-together at least twice a year
- To help family members in case of death and illness
- To help each other in case of any problem and situations
- Decided that a One Time Registration Fee to be fixed at Rs50/- per member and a nominal monthly contribution of Rs25/- per month by every registered member.
- Immediately to open a Bank Account in the name of the President, Treasurer and Fr. Moben Michael.
- Receipt to be issued to the registered members for there registration fees and monthly contributions.
- Any person married and working and staying with the registered member will be treated as Individual member and is required to register themselves by paying the one time registration fees.
- The telephony charges incurred by the secretary on behalf of the Sangh will be reimbursed to him/her after submission of valid invoice and verification.
- Life Membership decided for ten years by a one time payment of Rs1,500/-
- Life Membership compulsory for the registered members.
- Tenure of Life Membership has been fixed for a periods of 10 years. The joining date of Life Membership will be treated from Year 2005. Any registered member, who has paid Life membership charges before 2005 or after 2007, his contributions will be calculated from 2005 onwards only.
- Any registered member, trying to become Life Member after 2007, has to pay his balance yearly charges of Rs 300/ per Annum at first, then can be converted into Life Membership.
- The members who have confirmed his/her participation for any functions organized by the Sangh (AGM Gathering or Trips) and the member do not attend such functions after confirmation will have to pay his share of charges.
- All small FD’s be merged in one FD
- FD’s to be fixed for six month or one year period only.
- Interest on FD’s to be transferred in Saving Bank Account of the Sangh and the Capital amount may further be renewed.
- The minor expenses of the Sangh will be managed by Saving Account of the Sangh.
- The photocopies of the FD’s and accounts related documents should be circulated in the Executive Committee Meeting to all the members.
- Lunch/Dinner Charges per head for Gathering has been revised and increased from Rs 50/ to Rs 60/ from Jan 2008 onwards.
- Any member who is retired , WIDOWS,or cross the age of 60 years will be treated as Senior Citizen Member of Sangh & Free from Monthly contributions, but Life Membership are applicable to him. However, donations are welcome from such Sr. Citizen Members.
- New Registrations Charges per family has been revised from Rs 50/ to Rs 100/.
- Students are exempted from Monthly contributions, but one time Registrations charges are applicable to them.
- Father Moben had agreed that during House Mass of any Sangh members, offertory ( Mass contributions) will be given to Sangh, as a personal contribution.
- 1st AGM held at St. Anthony’s Church. Several names were proposed to form a society and a unanimous decision was taken to name the society as “BETTIAH CATHOLIC SANGH”
- To organize meetings zone-wise by zonal representatives during the Lent season and in the month of May every year.
- We were spending a major amount in leasing of crockery’s for the AGM so it was decided to purchase some plates, glasses, bowls and spoons for the Sangh which will be used during the AGM and is a one-time investment.
- The executive members showing no results or are not interested should be replaced by secretary and the Sangh members who are active should be considered to take part in the executive committee.
- Executive Committee Meeting to be called at every two months i.e. six meetings in a year.
- The Chairman must be present in at least two Executive Committee Meetings.
- Members whose monthly contribution or Life Membership is long overdue will not be liable to voting rights and will not be nominated for any official post.
- The Executive Committee Members who are absent from three consecutive meetings without any given valid reason will be replaced with new active members.
- In view of low presence of Sangh Members for the Easter Gathering it was decided to suspend this service for the time being and will be revived at a later stage.
- Flash major events and news of Bettiah Catholic Sangh in Sandesh, Chatra Chhaya and Voice of Delhi.
- Students of Bettiah Catholic Sangh to be awarded for their excellent performance in education and studies.
- Make by-laws and constitution and get these registered.
- Start the process of registering Bettiah Catholic Sangh.
- Sending greetings to members of the Sangh on there Birthdays and Marriage Anniversaries.
- The process of registering was started but after lot of discussions it was decided not to register the Sangh for the time being and the matter was closed.
- Official Directory (Address & Tel/Mob) of the registered members of the Sangh to be prepared, printed and distributed to the members.